Friday, April 24, 2009

Worrying about money this weekend ?

Worrying about money this weekend ?

A Friday Profitable Moment….Just for the readers of this Blog.

All week we have reported horrible economic news - whether it’s Britain’s tax the rich budget, or Spain’s double digit unemployment. We have been battered by US company results and beaten up by the IMF telling us it’s the first global recession since the second World War. The losses will rack up to more than $4 trillion dollars. Phew. That’s a lot to take in over one week.

There is so much to worry about that it’s hard to switch off at the weekend. We can try and escape but there are always the nagging worried of bills unpaid, jobs at risk and financial dangers ahead.

But the weekend is now upon us, and I asked on the show, whether or not you would be worried by money this weekend. Here are some of your thoughts. Let me know whether you are worried, and what you can do about it.

I am in Paris this week, filming, but I hope that whatever you’re upto this weekend (a brisk walk, some gardening, a bit of shopping) It’s profitable !


jade59@richardquest No we will not worry about money this W-E,we learn a while ago worrying won’t change a thing,W-E is a break,so we’ll have one

qM@richardquest I don’t worry about money. I worry about the lack of money!

Gotaclue@richardquest No. It’s not as though I’m going to buy a new Rolex this weekend.

swortman1@richardquest i worry about money all the time. prices keep going up and there not showing sign of going down.

healthysalone@richardquest No. Worrying is a pointless activity regardless of the situation. I know of no situation that has changed because I worried.

eastcoastjac@richardquest I do not worry about money - I have more than enough to meet my needs. Positive thought and Law of Attraction in action.

boezel@richardquest NO! From a terrace in the Netherlands

jbtorres@richardquest with all of the recent company financial reports, I should worry

ixVintageKissxi@richardquest I think that it’s hard for people not to be worried about money right now. Very few people have that luxury anymore about money everyday until the recession ends.

boxtersushi@richardquest nope! About to run to the bank for our weekly cash (since beginning of year cash only excl travel) now tons of money on hand!

Gatorfitz@richardquest Not Worry, I wiiJust watch what I spend and be smart.

woodythehawk@richardquest Affirmative!!! I am on a fixed US retirement income and living in Egypt, and the end of the month is drawing near.

Tacarigua@richardquest Money is no problem — the problem IS money.

PepsiZecoon@richardquest We might be tight on budget, but we do manage. So I myself, won’t.

javiaven@richardquest Worry? Why worry? I’m going skydiving! Like the economy! Gerooonimoooo!!!!

mananqureshi@richardquest We worry about money every weekeend richard1 where it goes! heaven knows! (giggle)

Rikki_ND@richardquest What’s the point in worrying? Economies are cyclical and we will recover from this too, we’ve been through worse and survived!

R_P_Perry@richardquest They can’t take money I dont have. No need to worry I have a shotgun and enough food for the weekend Should be fine come Mon

buklah@richardquest I find myself worrying,itsnot something I can help. Will I lose my job, Can I afford my standard of living? Can I pay my bills

foxybacon@richardquest I must admit that I am not majorly worried about it. Que sera, sera. Whatever will be, will be :o )

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