Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Tips for Eating "Real" Food As the biotech giants seek to control and monopolize the food chain, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find foods t

As the biotech giants seek to control and monopolize the food chain, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find foods that have not been genetically modified, especially here in the US. Billions in profits are being generated through GMOs, and we are already aware of some short-term health concerns. The long-term effects of GMOs are not known yet, simply because they have not been in use long enough yet to do sufficient studies. However, we do know that the nutritional components of many modified foods are severely compromised.

Today's post gives several practical tips on how to secure food that is free from genetic tampering. As with all wellness issues, it will take a bit more effort and perhaps more money as well (although convenience foods and GMO-laced products are expensive too) to eat this way, but the rewards are well worth it. As they say, staying well is much cheaper (in numerous ways) than getting well.


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