Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Harmful Radiation

Radiation is a disturbance of the ether (energy matrix of the universe) traveling at the velocity of light. The ranges of radiations are determined by their frequency and the number of oscillations per second. These elements are controlled by the wavelength, the distance covered by the wave per second of travel.

EMF radiation from man-made and solar sources is accelerating at an unprecedented rate. New electrical devices, computers, business machines, satellites and cellular phones are filling our environment with incredible amounts of non-ionizing radiation. Some scientists believe this continuous, incoherent low-level radiation is the final "straw" that breaks the "camel's back" of our delicate immune systems, already weakened by chemicals, drugs, and poisons in the air, water and food.

Most people have learned too late the damaging effects of solar radiation. Those now battling melanoma, skin cancers and pre-cancerous cells are now realizing their beautiful tans in the past created consequences they never imagined.

Scientists are continuing to discover just how damaging the sun's rays can be to our cells. It breaks down DNA and RNA molecules, creating abnormal cells and aberrant cellular activity. This weakens our immune systems.

Dr. Gerber, M.D., in his book "Vibrational Medicine" clearly shows that human life processes are the result of a series of interacting multi-dimensional subtle-energy systems. If these systems become imbalanced, there may be resulting pathological symptoms that manifest on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual planes.

When the energy systems of human beings are weakened or are out of balance, the body's energy fields oscillate at a different or less harmonic frequency. The energy fields must be balanced and the source of interference counteracted or eliminated for the body to return to a high level of health and vitality.

Researcher Georges Lakhovsky, in the book, " The Secret of Life," presented the idea that solar and cosmic radiation contributed to the formation of abnormal cells in geographical areas where the soil possessed electrically conductive properties. Water filled clay soils are premier conductors of EMF radiation and therefore create barriers against all solar and cosmic radiation being absorbed harmlessly into the earth. This causes the radiation to reflect off the soil to create secondary interference fields that disrupt the oscillatory equilibrium of the cells.

Lakhovsky believed all types of radiation effected living systems, especially cosmic and solar radiation. This radiation maintains the natural oscillation of healthy cells by neutralizing antagonistic radiations through resonance and interference if there is no secondary radiation caused by water-filled clay or iron ore laden soils.

Any thing that created variations in the field of cosmic and solar radiation would cause a state of disequilibrium in living cells. Once this happens, they can no longer oscillate according to their natural frequency. The ultimate result would be a breakdown in health and a manifestation of disease.

Lakhovsky looked upon sunspots as an important source of cosmic radiation and sun energy reaching the earth. He noticed increased sunspot activity correlated with abundant rainfall and crop growth in the tropics and increases in diseases and epidemics. He believed that all diseases, especially cancer, were the result of oscillatory disequilibrium in cells.

In his research, he discovered that the geological nature of the soil modifies the field of cosmic radiation at the earth's surface. Soils permeable to the cosmic and solar rays such as sand, sandstone, gravel, limestone, etc. absorbed external radiations to great depth. They did not create the secondary radiations produced by soils impermeable to the rays. Areas where clays, soils with excessive water content and mineral ores were abundant had the greatest incidence of cancer.

Power lines, transformers, appliances, radars, televisions, microwaves, copiers, computers, automobile engines, cellular phones and all other devices which use man-made energy to operate produce electromagnetic fields that are suspected of being dangerous to your mental and physical health.

Your office and home are filled with electrical wiring, devices, and machines which create EMF radiation. These unnatural energy fields, especially those produced by alternating currents operating at 60 cycles per second, are suspected of causing depression, suicides, cancer, leukemia, psychosis, cataracts, and other physical and mental problems in unsuspecting individuals.

In the article, "The Menace of Electric Smog, author Lowell Ponte said, "At issue is electromagnetic pollution, electric smog, the unseen energy waves that spread outward like ripples in a pond around every electrical device we use. And we use many. The United States is wired with 500,000 miles of high-voltage power lines. Industry, government, and the military depend on 250,000 microwave relay links. Airliners see and are seen via radar. 9,000,000 broadcasting transmitters and microwave relay stations, and 30,000,000 CB radios flood our airways. Industry employs 35,000,000 electromagnetic devices. As a result, a typical American now gets a daily dosage of electromagnetic radiation up to 200 million times more intense than what his ancestors took in from the sun, stars, and other natural sources."

Dr. Becker, one of the most respected research scientists in the world stated, "We now live in a sea of electromagnetic radiation that we cannot sense and that never before existed on this earth. New evidence suggests that this massive radiation may be producing stress, disease and other harmful effects all over the world by interfering with the most basic levels of brain function. " In his book, "The Body Electric," he says, "Three dangers overshadow all others. The first has been conclusively proven: ELF (extremely low frequency) electromagnetic field vibrations at about 30 to 100 Hz, even if they're weaker than the earth's field, interfere with the cues that keep our biological cycles properly timed; chronic stress and impaired disease resistance result.

Secondly, the available evidence strongly suggests that regulation of cellular growth processes is impaired by electropollution. The danger is immediate and overwhelming. In the long run, however, I believe the ultimate weapon is manipulation of our electromagnetic environment, because it's imperceptibly subtle and strikes at the core of life itself.

We're dealing here with the most important scientific discovery ever---the nature of life. Even if we survive the chemical and atomic threats to our existence, there's a strong possibility that increasing electropollution could set in motion irreversible changes leading to our extinction before we're even aware of them.

All life pulsates in time to the earth, and our artificial fields cause abnormal reactions in all organisms. Magnetic reversals may have produced the "great dying" of the past by disrupting the biocycles so as to cause stress, sterility, birth defects, malignancies, and impaired brain function.

Human activities may well have duplicated in three decades what otherwise would have taken five thousand years to develop during the next reversal... Somehow these dangers must be brought into the open so forcefully that the entire population of the world is made aware of them.

Since our civilization is irreversibly dependent on electronics, abolition of electromagnetic radiation is out of the question. However, as a first step in averting disaster, we must halt the introduction of new sources of electromagnetic energy while we investigate the biohazards of those we already have with completeness and honesty that have so far been in short supply." (page 328)

Recent studies of mice exposed for 30 days to 60 cycle electromagnetic fields whose strength was similar to those found near high-voltage transmission lines revealed changes in hormone patterns, body weight, and blood chemistries, producing all the signs of chronic stress, but also a steady increase in degenerative disease--particularly those related to a decreased competency of the immune system, such as cancer.

Manfred Kohnlechner, a German medical doctor, in his book "Man Does not Die in August" described the effects of the installation of a modern communications system on the health of the inhabitants of a rural area in Bavaria. Up to the time of the installation, the health of the residents was incredible, comparing favorably to the health and longevity of the Hunza people. Within six months of the introduction of the electrical lines and microwave towers essential for telephone, TV and radio communication, these previously healthy people began to die of cancer, heart attacks, and to have cavities in their teeth, conditions unheard of in the past.

Over the last ten years, there has been scattered media coverage about the danger of EMF pollution. Many researchers and scientists in this field were persecuted and ridiculed for their dire warnings of the dangerous affects of EMF radiation on living creatures.

In 1989, news broadcasts, radio programs, television specials, magazines, and newspapers covered the topic of EMF radiation and the affects on human beings. The "New Yorker," "People," "Infoworld," "Newsweek," and "Discover magazines carried articles exposing the frightening results of recent scientific studies. They addressed newfound fears about the harmful affects of EMF pollution created by powerlines, transformers, appliances, machines, and computers.

In the December 1989 issue of "People Magazine," Paul Brodeur, author of the "Zapping of America" and "Currents of Death" discussed the alleged dangers posed by EMF radiation generated by high-current powerlines, electric blankets, and computer video display terminals (VDT'S). He said, "Anyone who lives or works in an electromagnetic field is at risk.

VDT's first came under suspicion in the late 1970's and early 80's, when a dozen or so unexplained clusters of miscarriages and birth defects were found in groups of women who worked with computers. In one group of computer operators at Sears in Dallas, eight out of 12 pregnancies ended in miscarriage or neonatal death. In 1988 the Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program did a study of 1,583 California women who worked 20 hours or more in a week with VDT's stood an 80 percent greater chance of miscarrying than women who did similar work without VDT's.

In the July/August 86 issue of "American Health," Nancy Shute talked about a study done in Colorado by Nancy Wertheimer that linked high current powerlines and transformers to cancer in children. She talked about a study by the Maryland Department of Health and Hygiene which found an unusually high percentage of electricians, electronics engineers and utility repairmen among 951 men who died of brain tumors.

In the December 89 issue of "Discover Magazine" David Noland explored updates in Wertheimer's research which indicated that the homes most affected were those closest to the transformers serving the largest numbers of people. He found that Mrs. Wertheimer believed that the more power being drawn, the greater the EMF and incidence of disease.

Automobiles, planes, buses, motorcycles, and other machines which use spark plugs produce very powerful EMF radiation every time a spark plug fires. They are now being recognized as generators and receivers of EMF pollution. The metal bodies of vehicles are powerful antennas that pick up EMF radiation from microwave and radar transmitters, CB radios, cellular phones, radar guns, overhead powerlines and transformers. It's no wonder people feel exhausted during and after long trips in automobiles, buses, and planes.

Many health experts now realize that the loss of vitality precedes the loss of health. Individuals lose vitality because of various stresses that adversely affect the functioning of biological systems that operate electrically in an electric wave universe. Man-made electromagnetic pollution interferes with basic electrical function, shuts down vitality, and finally produces disease symptoms.


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